Press Release

Launching Program Penghargaan Indonesia 11 2022 dan APPI X Brand Collaborations

Jakarta, 30 Agustus 2022 — Sebagai bentuk apresiasi APPI kepada para pesepakbola profesional di Indonesia, untuk ke-5 kalinya, APPI kembali melanjutkan program reguler yang telah dijalankan sejak tahun 2017 yakni penghargaan APPI  Indonesia 11. Indonesia 11 memiliki 2 program utama yakni Footballer of The Month (FOTM) dan Footballer of The Year (FOTY)

1. Indonesia 11: Footballer of The Month

Dalam program FOTM tahun 2022 ini APPI berkolaborasi dengan tiga pihak yakni PT Prestasi Retail Indonesia (Fisik Sport & Fisik Football), Fan Gir dan juga Oxygen Denim. Penghargaan ini dituangkan dalam beberapa kategori pemilihan pesepakbola terbaik, yang akan dipilih pada setiap bulannya yakni:

  • Favourite Footballer Liga 1
    Pemilihan 1 (Satu) Pesepakbola Terfavorit di Liga 1 oleh seluruh fans sepakbola di Indonesia.
  • Best 11
    Pemilihan 11 Pesepakbola Terbaik di Liga 1 dengan formasi 1-4-3-3, berdasarkan penampilan terbaik setiap bulan nya sesuai dengan posisi yang akan dipilih oleh APPI berdasarkan data dan statistik.
  • Best Footballer Liga 1
    Pemilihan 1 (Satu) Pesepakbola terbaik dari 5 nominasi, yang akan dipilih secara langsung, oleh masing-masing kapten tim dari seluruh klub yang berlaga di Liga 1.
  • Best Footballer Liga 2
    Pemilihan 1 (Satu) Pesepakbola terbaik dari 5 nominasi, yang akan dipilih secara langsung oleh APPI berdasarkan data dan statistik.

2. Indonesia 11: Footballer of The Year
Merupakan puncak acara penghargaan Indonesia 11 kepada para pesepakbola pada setiap akhir musim dengan kategori: Best 11, Best Young Footballer, Best Footballer, Best Goalkeeper,Best Defender, Best Midfielder, Best Striker, dan Best Woman Footballer.

Untuk penyediaan data statistik, pada tahun ini APPI bekerjasama dengan Statoskop Indonesia untuk seluruh data-data statisik Kompetisi Liga 1. Khusus untuk kategori Favourite Footballer Liga 1, APPI juga akan memberikan give away kepada Fans terpilih disetiap bulannya, yang telah melakukan voting untuk pesepakbola pilihannya.

Kolaborasi APPI & Oxygen Denim: The Selections by Teja Paku Alam.

Sebagai bentuk kegiatan APPI di bidang Edukasi kepda pesepakbola, khususnya edukasi terkait bidang Bisnis & Finansial, di tahun 2022 ini APPI menggandeng salah satu perusahaan retail di Indonesia yaitu Oxygen Denim untuk dapat berkolaborasi dengan anggota APPI dalam kegiatan bisnis retailnya. Pada kesempatan pertama ini, Oxygen Denim menggandeng Teja Paku Alam, pesepakbola Persib Bandung, dengan mengusung title: The Selections by Teja Paku Alam.

Dalam kolaborasi ini, Oxygen Denim menyediakan secara khusus pilihan busana/ outfit yang kemudian dikurasi langsung oleh Teja Paku Alam. Outfit yang ditampilkan pun tidak jauh dari tema active daily wear yang sangat ideal menunjang kegiatan Teja Paku Alam di luar rumput hijau, seperti T-Shirt, Polo Shirt, Jaket Denim, Chino Pants, dan Celana Jeans. Produk-produk yang disuguhkan merupakan gambaran langsung dari karakter diri seorang penjaga gawang berprestasi tersebut, yang masih ingin terlihat casual dan charismatic serta mengedepankan style secara bersamaan.

Dengan harga berkisar dari IDR 179,000,- s/d 499,000,- , The Selections by Teja Paku Alam F/W 2022 siap launching secara eksklusif pada tanggal 1 September 2022 hanya di Tokopedia dan Shopee. Dapatkan juga promo menarik berupa kode khusus dari Teja Paku Alam yang bisa digunakan saat pembelian produk The Selections by Teja Paku Alam F/W 2022 dengan T&Cs yang berlaku.

Kolaborasi APPI dan Fan Gir: National Legends Football Trading Card

Selain dalam bidang retail, APPI juga bekerja sama dengan Fan Gir, sebuah perusahaan yang memproduksi dan memasarkan collectible trading cards, yakni kartu memorabilia bertanda tangan asli, yang dapat dikoleksi oleh para penggemar olahraga, khususnya sepakbola. Dalam kolaborasi perdana ini,  FanGir memproduksi sejumlah legenda sepak bola Timnas Indonesia lintas generasi, yang diawali dengan rilisnya koleksi kartu dari Bambang Pamungkas, Kurniawan Dwi Yulianto, Firman Utina, Ponaryo Astaman, hingga Cristian “El Loco” Gonzales.

Untuk koleksi Indonesian Football Legends, FanGir mengembangkan konsep koleksi kartu yang menampilkan para legenda sepak bola Timnas Indonesia yang terdiri dari 2 jenis kartu, yaitu:

  1. Base Card – Seri kartu yang dirilis terbatas dan menampilkan momen para legenda sepak bola kala membela Timnas Indonesia.
  2. Autographed Card – Seri kartu terbatas yang menampilkan legenda sepak bola Timnas Indonesia, dengan bahan premium dan aksen finishing khusus, disertai dengan Tanda Tangan asli dari para pemain. Adapun seri kartu Autographed Card dirilis secara unik, mulai dari produk 1/1 (hanya satu-satunya di dunia), 1/5, 1/10, 1/25 dan juga 1/100. Setiap kategori akan memiliki warna dan finishing yang berbeda-beda.

Adapun kartu yang dirilis secara sangat terbatas ini bisa didapatkan melalui situs serta akun resmi FanGir di marketplace Tokopedia.

Untuk pertanyaan dan informasi media lebih lanjut menghubungi 081210104215 atau

Tentang APPI

Asosiasi Pesepakbola Profesional Indonesia (APPI) terbentuk sejak tahun 2008. Visi-Misi dari APPI adalah untuk memberikan proteksi dan edukasi kepada pesepakbola profesional Indonesia serta menjalin solidaritas antar pesepakbola. APPI merupakan anggota kunci dari FIFPRO dimana FIFPRO ialah satu-satu nya Asosiasi Pesepakbola Dunia yang diakui oleh FIFA. Selain sebagai anggota FIFPRO, APPI juga telah terdaftar sebagai organisasi perkumpulan dan telah disahkan dalam bentuk SK Kemenkumham.

APPI Indonesia 11 2022 Award Launching Program, Football Trading Card and APPI X Brand Collaborations

Jakarta, 30 August 2022 – As a form of appreciation from to professional footballers in Indonesia, for the 5th time since 2017 time, APPI has resumed its regular program: the APPI Indonesia 11 Award. Indonesia 11 has 2 main programs; Footballer of the Month and Footballer of The Year.

1. Footballer of the Month (FOTM)

In the 2022 FOTM program, APPI collaborates with three companies; PT Prestasi Retail Indonesia (FIsik Sport & Physical Football), FanGir and also Oxygen Denim. This award has several different categories for selecting the best footballer, which will be selected every month:

Favourite Footballer League 1

Selection of 1 (one) Favorite Footballer in Liga 1 by all Indonesian football fans (online voting).

Best 11 

Selection of the 11 (eleven) Best Footballers in Liga 1 with the 1-4-3-3 formation, based on each month’s best performances according to the position which will be selected by APPI based on data and statistics.

Best Footballer Liga 1

Selection of 1 (one) best footballer from 5 nominations, which will be directly selected by each captain from all clubs competing in League 1.

Best Footballer Liga 2

Selection of 1 (one) best footballer from 5 nominations, which will be directly selected by APPI based on data and statistics.

2. Footballer of The Year

The peak of the Indonesia 11 awards ceremony for footballers which will be held at the end of each season with several categories, as follows: Best 11, Best Young Footballer, Best Footballer, Best Goalkeeper, Best Defender, Best Midfielder, Best Striker, and Best Woman Footballer.

For the provision of statistical data, APPI Indonesia 11 2022 collaborates with Statoskop Indonesia for all statistical data for the League 1 Competition. Especially for the Favorite Footballer in League 1 category, APPI will also give a special prize to selected fans every month, who have voted for their chosen footballer.

APPI & Oxygen Denim Collaboration: The Selections by Teja Paku Alam.

To give education to footballers, especially those related to the Business & Finance field, in 2022, APPI collaborates with one of the retail companies in Indonesia, Oxygen Denim to be able to collaborate with APPI members in their retail business activities. On this first occasion, Oxygen Denim collaborated with Teja Paku Alam, a footballer from Persib Bandung, with the title: The Selections by Teja Paku Alam.

In this collaboration, Oxygen Denim provides a special selection of clothing/outfits which are then curated directly by Teja Paku Alam. The outfits displayed are also within the active daily wear theme which is ideal for supporting Teja Paku Alam activities outside the field, such as T-Shirts, Polo Shirts, Denim Jackets, Chino Pants, and Jeans. The products that are presented are a direct picture of the character of an accomplished goalkeeper, who still wants to look casual and charismatic and puts forward style at the same time.

With prices ranging from IDR 179,000, – to 499,000,-, The Selections by Teja Paku Alam F/W 2022 is ready to launch exclusively on 1 September 2022 only on Tokopedia and Shopee. A special Promo by using a special code from Teja Paku Alam is also provided for purchasing The Selections by Teja Paku Alam F/W 2022 products.

APPI and FanGir Collaboration: National Legends Football Trading Card

Besides retail, APPI also collaborates with Fan Gir, a company that produces and markets collectible trading cards – the originally signed memorabilia cards that can be collected by sports fans, especially football fans. In this first collaboration, FanGir produced a number of Indonesian national team football legends across generations, starting with the release of a collection of cards from Bambang Pamungkas, Kurniawan Dwi Yulianto, Firman Utina, Ponaryo Astaman, to Cristian “El Loco” Gonzales.

For the Indonesian Football Legends collection, FanGir developed the concept of a card collection featuring Indonesian national football legends, which consists of 2 types of card: 

  1. Base Card – The series of cards released is limited and shows the moments of football legends when they defended the Indonesian national team.
  2. Autographed Card – A limited series of cards featuring Indonesian national football legends, with premium materials and special finishing accents, along with the original signatures of the players. The Autographed Card series is released uniquely, starting from 1/1 (the only one in the world), 1/5, 1/10, 1/25, and 1/100 products. Each category will have a different color and finish.

The cards that were released on a very limited numbers is available through the website and the official FanGir account on the Tokopedia marketplace.

For any media inquiries, please contact 081210104215 or  .

About APPI

Asosiasi Pesepakbola Profesional Indonesia (APPI) was officially formed in 2008. The vision and mission of APPI is to provide protection and education to Indonesian professional footballers and build solidarity between footballers. APPI is a key member of FIFPRO and FIFPRO is the only World Footballers Association recognized by FIFA. In Indonesia, APPI has also been registered as an association organization and has been legalized by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.